Established 2008
This scholarship fund is a part of the CFMT General Scholarship Application that is open annually from December 1st to February 1st.
Eligibility: Applicants must be college bound, high school seniors, who identify as female and are Davidson County residents. Recipients will be chosen based upon their essays answering the question “What policy or law in the United States would you change and why?” Essays will be evaluated on creative and critical thinking, practical application, style and writing mechanics. Consideration will be given to financial need.
Shannon Wood helped start The Davidson County Democratic Women’s Scholarship in 2001 with a dual intention: to help defray the cost of college tuition and to encourage young women to be politically active. Shannon has run for office, campaigned for others, and participated in grassroots efforts to achieve peace, universal health care, and fair elections. Shannon would not have been able to attend Antioch College without financial assistance and, in turn, she is committed to repaying the kindness that was shown her. Shannon and her husband, Peter Kurland, turned to The Community Foundation to ensure the DCDW Scholarship will continue in perpetuity. Scholarship winners will be recognized at the annual DCDW picnic and their essays may be published by the Davidson County Democratic Women.