Established 1999
The Community Foundation for Dickson County promotes the quality of life in Dickson County and provides a way for citizens to make lasting gifts for the improvement and benefit of future generations. The Foundation serves as an endowment that will benefit the community in perpetuity.
When a group of local citizens and the Leadership Dickson County Alumni Association gathered to determine ways to meet changing needs and opportunities in the community, the idea of an endowment fund developed. In 1999, this dream was realized through affiliation with the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee, which provides the stability, investment expertise and legal work necessary for the endowment to succeed.
At the onset, The Community Foundation for Dickson County selected three categories to address: improved education, invigorated leadership, and an enhanced quality of life. The Foundation identified such quality of life areas as environment, programs that meet the needs of youth and the elderly, and preservation of historical places in the county. Now with their foundation in place, the citizens are combining vision with capital, as a foundation for the future.
The Community Foundation for Dickson County is like a savings account for the community – the principal remains intact, and its earnings are used to make grants serving those in need. As a vehicle for civic-minded individuals and companies, The Foundation connects people with the causes and organizations about which they care most. The Foundation is uniquely positioned to determine unmet needs and to provide astute grantmaking to benefit all citizens.
The Community Foundation for Dickson County is governed by a board with representation from all areas of the county.
The Community Foundation for Dickson County
P.O. Box 1243
Dickson, TN 37056
Total Grants Made to Dickson County Nonprofits
Nonprofits Served