Established in 2017


In response to the natural disaster brought on by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, we’ve established The AutoLoop Relief Fund. There are many AutoLoop employees in both Houston and Florida, many of whom have lost their homes due to flooding. Anything you can contribute will help us provide resources to cover supplies and temporary shelter for those facing hardship.

In addition to the generous donations made by our executive team, AutoLoop will also be matching all employee donations 100%. To make your charitable contribution, please fill out the donation form. Any donations received will remain completely anonymous, and the Fund is being independently managed by The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee, a trusted third-party charity.


Contact Information

Chris Stowe

Chris Stowe

Associate, Employee Care Funds

  • x128
Benja Hutchens

Benja Hutchens

VP of Human Resources and Administration

  • x115
Shemika Walker

Shemika Walker

Senior Manager of Employee Care Programs

  • x113