Established in 2018

Firefighters Park and Public Safety Fund

Support Fire & Life Safety Education & Awareness in Your Community!
The Firefighter’s Park and Public Safety Fund is committed to fostering community safety through education and prevention. Your generosity can make a significant impact in safeguarding lives and properties within our local area.

Why Donate?

Mitigate Risk, Save Lives: Your contribution directly supports our mission to provide comprehensive fire and life safety education and resources, mitigating risks and minimizing potential tragedies in our community.
Tailored Initiatives: Our annual programming is designed to address the specific needs of Columbia residents, with a focus on vulnerable demographics such as children and seniors.
Preservation of Firefighters Park: By donating, you help us maintain and improve Firefighters Park, a vital space for community gatherings and educational events.

Your Donation in Action:

Educational Outreach: Funding from your donations facilitates the creation and dissemination of informative programs, materials, resources, and events on fire and life safety, ensuring widespread awareness and preparedness.
Program Management: Your support enables us to efficiently coordinate impactful community risk reduction initiatives, empowering individuals to take proactive measures toward their safety.
Maintenance of Community Spaces: Contributions aid in the upkeep and improvement of Firefighters Park, ensuring it remains a cornerstone for educational endeavors and community engagement.

Join Us in Building a Safer Future!
Every donation, regardless of size, plays a pivotal role in fortifying the resilience of our community. Let us unite in our commitment to empower individuals, prevent tragedies, and cultivate a culture of safety and preparedness.

Donate Today for Safer Tomorrow!