Established in 2011


The Sports Fund exists to help ensure that children across this community can become part of a team — rather than part of a gang; that children can have their lives enhanced by a caring but disciplined coach who demands their best rather than their worst; that the afternoon hours. when most teen pregnancies occur, are filled with other pursuits; and hat “couch potatoes” become the exception rather than the expectation. Sports can promote and inspire active, healthy lifestyles and lifelong habits among people of all ages, all races and all backgrounds. Sports and team membership provide: a sense of belong, self esteem, hope and the inspiration of couches; a source of activity, particularly in the critical after-school hours; and a “hook” to attract kids to nonprofits programs also offering tutoring. Through The Sports Fund of The Community Foundation, Middle Tennessee nonprofit organizations providing these opportunities will have a permanent endowed source of funding to ensure support.